Webinar: Developments on the Brazilian taxation of natural persons.

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The Brazilian rules concerning the taxation of natural person’s income, including income earned offshore and through trusts or foreign legal entities, have been subject to significant changes throughout this year, for instance resulting from the enactment by the Federal Government of Medidas Provisórias 1171 and 1172/2023.  While not all attempted changes prevailed, some of them are indeed coming into force on January 1st, 2024.   
Please join us online on November 23rd, when the Tax and the Legal Committees of the Brazilian Chamber of Commerce will have Brazilian and British tax practitioners presenting on the main features of the new rules, which pragmatic tax compliance and possible efficiency measures shall be observed by taxpayers and how they may interplay with UK legislation. Questions to the panellists can be submitted in writing via Teams platform’s chat box during the Q&A session of the webinar.
When: November 23rd, 2023, at 12:30pm (UK) / 9:30am (Brazil)
Online platform: Microsoft Teams
Duration: 60 minutes

12:30pm – Opening
- Vera Innes, Chair of the Brazilian Chamber of Commerce in Great Britain
12:40pm – Latest developments and status of Brazilian income tax legislation applicable to natural persons
- Alessandro Amadeu da Fonseca, tax partner at Mattos Filho Advogados
12:50pm – Tax compliance and efficiency points of attention
- Fernanda Ellis, Brazilian lawyer and UK Chartered Accountant, founding partner at Mosaico Tax and Law and member of the Tax Committee of the Brazilian Chamber of Commerce in GB
1pm – Challenges and opportunities vis a vis UK tax rules
- Stuart Adams, Partner, Tax and Wealth Planning at Mishcon de Reya LLP
1:10pm – Q&A Session
- On-line participants will be able to submit questions via Teams platform
1:30pm – Closing
- Gustavo Braga, LLM, founding partner at BBSA – Braga & Bastos Soc. Adv. and Head of the Tax Committee of the Brazilian Chamber of Commerce in GB

November 23rd, 2023 from 12:30 PM to  1:30 PM
United Kingdom

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