Celebration of the 202nd Anniversary of Brazil's Independence

The Celebration of the 202nd Anniversary of Brazil’s Independence took place at the Brazilian Ambassador’s residence on Friday, 6th September with members of the Brazilian Chamber in attendance thanks to the kind sponsorship of our Premium members Anglo American, BTG Pactual, Itaú BBA and Patria Investments.

We are delighted that the Chair of the  Chamber, Vera de Moraes Dantas Innes, was awarded by the Brazilian government the prestigious Order of Rio Branco. In his speech Ambassador Antonio Patriota said that “Vera embodies a unique blend of high professionalism, dedication, strong work ethic and personal charm, making her an exceptional leader in our business community and a tireless advocate for Brazil-UK economic relations.” The Ambassador also said that he was delighted to see Vera’s efforts being recognized in this well-deserved honour. Congratulations, Vera! (from all of us at the Chamber)

The event was hosted by the Embassy of Brazil in London.